Правила проживанияTERMS AND CONDITIONS OF STAY1.1 Check-in time is after 13:00 p.m. Check-out time - before12:00 p.m. 1.2 If reservation is canceled 3 days before confirmed check-in time there is two days penalty charge. If reservation is canceled less then 24 hours before confirmed check-in time it is a three-day penalty charge. 1.3 If Guests are leaving accommodation prior previously confirmed check-out time, the Service Provider is to be informed about it 3 days prior to their departure. 1.4 If Guests leave apartment earlier without any warning their whole previously confirmed accommodation period is to be paid in full. 1.5 Service Provider is not responsible for money or valuables left in the apartment by Customer’s employees. 1.6 Guests are to observe all published public laws, regulations and rules in connection to sanitary code. Guests are to use the rented premises for dwelling only. 1.7 Guests are to keep the household equipment of the premises in serviceable status and in case of any property damage caused by misuse, damage or negligence at his own expense makes the necessary repair apartment equipment. 1.8 Guests are to pay all the bills for his long distance telephone calls. 1.9 If Guests cause damage of the apartment equipment or property of the apartment, by their actions whether deliberately or otherwise, Guests must pay for the refurbishment of the property or, where it is not possible to carry out a refurbishment, shall undertake to pay for the services of acquiring an equivalent property. 1.10 Guests are not aloud to have parties at the apartment, play music loudly or make any other noise in the evening after 10p.m. |