Policy of the company![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sustainability Annual Report for 2014 Moscow Apartments formed an Environmental Committee that is responsible for developing an Environmental Green Plan for energy, water, and solid waste use. Managed the Environmental performance by monitoring the electric, gas, water, and waste usage information on a monthly and annual basis. Installed 10 liter per minute showerheads or less in apartment baths and showers.
2014 – Changed Showerheads in 10 apartments.
Installed water aerators in all taps in the apartments.
2014 – Installed aerators in 5 apartments. Changed out old aerators in 7 apartments. Installed 6-liter toilets in all apartments when replacing existing toilets. 2014 – Replaced 4 toilets with smaller two button full flush and half – flush system at Global Link expense.
Implemented a recycling program -- to the full extent available in our local area Government.
2014 – Recycling has been conducted by our Housekeeping staff. Apartments are cleaned twice a week and the waste garbage is separated into separate bags and disposed of to recycling or the building garbage bin. Garbage disposed by guests to the buildings garbage shoot is not accounted for in this process. Replace incandescent lamps with compact fluorescent lamps or LED wherever possible. 2014 – Continued on from 2010 and changed out Russian globes with Western made energy efficient makes.
Maintenance department has been repairing and changing out older light fixtures with more modern energy saving fixtures.
Electrical wiring to lights, where possible has been changed to stop globes from shorting out and prolonging the life of the globes. Purchasing eco friendly cleaning materials for our business. 2014 – Conducted research into available eco friendly cleaning materials. Found suitable vendor who can supply in bulk. This is purchased monthly and distributed to the individual apartments by our Housekeeping manager with the assistance of the maintenance department. Will commence monitoring the usage of these products and include in our 2016 report.
Focus on Office awareness and policy on environmental issues. These have been introduced into our company in 2010.
· Double-sided copying · Double-sided printing · Using scrape paper as notes · E-mailing memos · Not printing drafts or printing them on scrap paper · Printing faxes on scrap paper · Having scrap paper readily available for use next to new paper location.
Re-cycling items.
· Office paper · Cardboard · Newspapers · Magazines · Toner Cartridges · Electronic equipment. · Re-use office supplies ( folders, envelops and binders)
Moscow Apartments is attempting to involve our Guests to participate in our endeavors to operate environmentally in an Eco friendly way. On too many occasions when a Guest is leaving the apartment they inadvertently leave the lights turned on. This has made us reconsider how we can help to improve this situation and have made signs to be placed by the door with some environmental points to consider in cutting down on power usage. Together with Education and awareness our company and Guests can contribute to reduce carbon output by reducing the power usage thus helping to sustain the environment and reduce pollution in Moscow.
Moscow Apartments Environment performance indicators.
Environmental Policy and Management System (Plan)
Our goals include:
1. To comply with, and if possible exceed, relevant existing environmental legal requirements. 2. To seek to increase the efficient use of energy resources. 3. To raise awareness amongst our employees of the environmental impact of their actions and decisions and encourage them to support the company to achieve its environmental ambitions. 4. To reduce pollution, emissions and waste. 5. To recycle materials used in areas where we have control of the relevant services. 6. In dealing with third parties, we will engage with landlords, Clients and their agents and others with whom we conduct business, to encourage them to mirror our environmental aims. 7. To encourage suppliers to minimize our own environmental impact and, where relevant and possible to assist in choices that will be beneficial for maintaining our Indoor Environmental Quality. 8. To provide our guests with information and encourage them to reduce their environmental impact. 9. To strive to continuously improve our overall environmental performance.
Water Energy Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Waste Emissions Supply chain/Purchasing
In working towards these objectives, we will:1. Provide Management oversight and review of environmental policies and performance. 2. Allocate management resources for the effective direction and implementation of our environmental policy with the aim of achieving our objectives and meeting our targets. 3. Review our environmental policy on an annual basis, to take account of changes in environmental legislation, as well as the requirements and expectations of our clients and of the industry as a whole. 4. Seek, where appropriate, to make environmental criteria a part of our decision making when making general buying decisions.
Action points initiated to date. · Moscow Apartments formed an Environmental Committee that is responsible for developing an Environmental Green Plan for energy, water, and solid waste use. · Manage the Environmental performance by monitoring the electric, gas, water, and waste usage information on a monthly and annual basis. · Implemented a towel and/or linen reuse program. · Install 10 liters per minute showerheads or less in all apartment’s baths and showers. · Install water aerators in all taps in the apartment’s. · Install 6- liter toilets 2 flush system in all apartment’s when replacing existing toilets. · Implement a recycling program --to the full extent available in our local area Government. · Replace incandescent lamps with compact fluorescent lamps wherever possible. · Implement a recycling program for hazardous materials found in fluorescent bulbs, batteries, and lighting ballasts. · Purchase Energy Star labeled appliances and equipment. · All office paper products should have 20% or more post consumer recycled content.
Environmental Management
Aim for the highest environmental standards in terms of biodiversity protection, hygiene, safety, indoor air quality and overall environmental management.
· Assess our current environmental impacts and determine potential primary, secondary and tertiary impacts and their significance. · List possible mitigation and management alternatives and describe which ones will be used. · Much of the information on our resource use, Power, water usage and use of chemicals can be found in our utility and purchasing bills. Monitor these closely. · Installed water meter to monitor water usage in apartments. · Measure and monitor our progress on a regular basis of monthly and yearly. · Set measurable short and long term targets for improvement and take corrective action when they are not met. · Work with other local businesses to improve environmental standards in the local area or destination. · Inform guests, vendors, and Clients about our environmental policy, program and successes.
Pollution and Recycling Policy
Save or Forests
Office policy and Recycling initiatives.
· Double-sided printing · Using scrap paper as notes · E-mailing memos · Not printing drafts or printing them on scrap paper · Printing faxes on scrap paper · Having scrap paper readily available for use next to new paper location. · Have stopped purchasing and using post-it pads.
Re-cycling items.
· Office paper: Sensitive information documents are shredded and used for packing material. · Cardboard: Boxes are re-used. What cannot be re-used is put into the recycling bin. · Newspapers: We put into the recycling bin. · Magazines : We put into the recycling bin or give to the local clinic depending on the type of magazine. · Toner Cartridges: We have Epson and Canon printers. We return the used cartridges when purchasing new ones from the supplier. · Electronic equipment: Usable unwanted electronic equipment is donated to a charity. Non usable equipment is sent for recycling. · Re-use office supplies: ( folders, envelops and binders)
Carbon Emissions
As a small business Global Link–M cannot control the pollution in the surrounding area of its apartments. The small changes we have made hopefully can contribute a small amount in reducing carbon emissions. We attempt to purchase all out products locally thus cutting down on the use of our vehicles. Choose an efficient mode of transport, such as buses, Metro and trains to decrease energy consumption and emissions. We have reduced our vehicle usage from 6 to 4 cars.
All Moscow Apartments Housekeeping staff use public transport to go to the apartments. All apartments are equipped with all the necessary equipment and cleaning materials. This allows the staff to carry minimal amount of equipment with them between apartments.
Once a month the maintenance staff assists the Housekeeping department to restock the apartments with all essential products.
Our staff communicates through the media network and do not need to travel to the office on a daily basis. We have reduced the amount of paper used by communicating with emailing.
Purchasing eco friendly cleaning materials for our business. Conducted research into available eco friendly cleaning materials. Found suitable vendor who can supply in bulk. This is purchased monthly and distributed to the individual apartments by our Housekeeping manager with the assistance of the maintenance department. Will commence monitoring the usage of these products and include in our 2016 report.
Our business is built on the tradition of welcoming strangers as family. Embracing the heart of diversity, we welcome and care for all individuals without regard for difference. This essential core value begins with our partners, colleagues, and coworkers, and extends to our guests. It is in our character being a part of the hospitality industry to take care of people and places. And as business people we recognize that the vitality of our business is directly linked to the vitality of the communities where we operate. When Moscow Apartments was formed as a Serviced Apartments business, we unlocked untold potential because we are not only building a business; we help build the community that surrounds that business.
Personalization continues to drive successful businesses, and this means understanding and relating to a diverse market of travelers, and reflecting this principle in those who serve them. Diversity goes beyond race, involving gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, language, disability, and any other aspect that defines or differentiates individuals. By bringing an awareness and mindfulness to the varying needs and perspectives of both employees and guests, we create a foundation for increased employee retention and guest loyalty. It’s not just the right thing to do; it’s the only way to stay competitive in an increasingly diverse marketplace.
Our presence in the serviced business market creates jobs and economic benefits. Our company has been involved with training in job skills, life skills, and literacy, individuals flourish. Especially our employees have as individuals flourished within the community, grown stronger and more confident. Moscow Apartments has many different nationalities, ethnic and religious groups as staff members within the company. Included are Russian, Ukranian, Armenians, Georgians, Tadzhik.
We foster a program of growth where every employee feels like a part of our extended family. Two of our managers started as members of our Housekeeping service and have become valuable members of our management group.
Supplier Diversity second tier
Moscow Apartments conducts business with companies who are also Diverse suppliers.
As an example when we require renovation work on Apartments we contract to a local renovation company which is a Small Business Enterprise owned by a family from Armenia. They employ a diverse work force made up of many different nationalities and ethnic back grounds.
The companies we use to purchase cleaning materials and household supplies are small business enterprises.
We get materials from a large Russian building materials supply company and also from IKEA.
Our accounting/auditing company is Small Business Enterprise who also employs people from different ethnic backgrounds.
Moscow Apartments acknowledges and respects the principles contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Moscow Apartments Human Rights Policy reflects the Company’s commitment to conduct its business in a manner consistent with these principles and to protect human rights within the company’s sphere of influence. Moscow Apartments demonstrates local leadership in responsible workplace practices, and endeavors to conduct its business operations in a manner that is free from complicity in human rights abuses.
Ethical Business Conduct. Moscow Apartments policies require that its business be conducted with honesty and integrity, and in compliance with all applicable laws. Company policies establish clear ethical standards and guidelines for how we do business and establish accountability. All company associates are required to obey the law and comply with specific standards relating to legal obligations, ethics, and business conduct. The Company has clear accountability mechanisms in place to monitor and report on compliance with these directives. Moscow Apartments condemns all forms of exploitation of children. The Company does not recruit child labor, and supports the elimination of exploitative child labor. Moscow Apartments also supports laws duly enacted to prevent and punish the crime of sexual exploitation of children. Moscow Apartments will work to raise awareness concerning such exploitation, and will cooperate with law enforcement authorities to address any such instances of exploitation of which the Company becomes aware. Protection of the Rights of Associates Moscow Apartments supports and upholds the elimination of discriminatory practices with respect to employment and occupation, and promotes and embraces diversity in all aspects of its business.
Code of Ethics for Moscow Apartments
The General Manager will monitor compliance with this Code of Ethics and only a duly designated committee of the management can consider and grant waivers from the Code of Ethics to its employees or officers. expense. |